Gain the experience you need for the career you want


Stuck in a chicken and egg cycle?

Need experience to get a jobNeed a job to get experience


Break free of the chicken and egg cycle. Onfielder fellowships help you bootstrap the experience you need for the job you want.

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UX Designer

In the very beginning, my design lead and mentor helped me identify my strong points as well as where I could use some work. The experience I gained from Onfielder was invaluable. Onfielder allowed me to fill the gaps in my design knowledge as well as prepared me to land a full-time design role less than a month after the end of the program.


Product Manager

Working on the assignments and having dedicated 1-on-1 sessions with my mentor really helped me in grasping core PM concepts and developing competencies in strategic thinking and leadership. Thanks to Onfielder and through perseverance, hard work, and drive, I was able to kick off my dream career in product management.